Those who accuse you

What is an accusation? An accusation is a charge or allegation made against someone. It puts blame and points fingers at a person. It’s a statement saying that you think someone is guilty of doing something wrong. What are the people commonly employed as accusers? “Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which … More Those who accuse you

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READ: 1 Samuel 20: 1-17 “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33 Everything has a price. Loyalty also has a price. To be loyal to one person means you cannot be loyal to everyone. Loyalty will cost you relationships and friendships. My loyalty to Christ has meant that I cannot maintain … More FRIENDSHIP

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External Beauty Depends on Internal Beauty

Outward beauty depends on the inward beauty. If you are beautiful inside it shows on the outside. Sometimes I see people and I know that spiritually they are not doing well.  I saw two pictures of a lady who had converted from witchcraft to Christ. One photograph showed her when she was practicing witchcraft and the other when … More External Beauty Depends on Internal Beauty

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Soul Winner!

As Christians, we are FIRST a soul winners! Whatever we find ourselves doing in the body of Christ, always remember that we are first expected to bring souls to The Lord!

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When God requires fruit from you, you better produce those fruits otherwise you could be subject to a curse. It is not about when you want to bear fruit. It is not about whether it is a convenient season for figs or not. It is not about when you are ready to work for God. … More

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